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Large Angelic Diamond White Purity Andara Plus Pendant


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Large Angelic Diamond White Purity Andara Plus Pendant

These large Angelic Diamond White Light Purity Andara are incredible in frequency and energy, at approx. 2000 grams or thereabout. They assist us in expanding our frequency through detoxification, purification, and cellular clearing, as we release old addictions and collapse and dissolve old earth timelines and all that no longer works for us. These beautiful Andara further assist us to align to our greatest joy through the observational awareness of the Witnessing Presence of our Beloved I Am, in all that we express and share as co-creators to our Universe.

The Angelic Diamond White Light Andara further assists us to let go of all that's not working in our lives and to streamline our focus. And with this, to experience all that is Highest Aligned; to be able to jump timelines, and to expand our consciousness to the frequency and energy of what we are creating or co creating with the Pureness of our Light, our Innocence, and our Divinity. Jumping timelines is an art we master as we deepen into zero-point. For all timelines eventually merge into one, and time as we know it, no longer exists for us in the flow of New Earth.

You will receive one large Angelic Diamond White Purity Crystal chosen for you plus a gift pendant, polished or macrame, also chosen just for you.

We use DHL for shipping of these large pieces. Shipping is included, and will take 2-3 weeks to arrive.