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Andara Concentric Rings Stargate Activator Pendant


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Combining the frequency of the Andara Crystals along with the Tensor Ring Technology of the 144 MHz Cubit, also known as Royal or Sacred Cubit, which originally came from King's Chamber of Great Pyramid, this powerful pendant harmonizes the energy field, activates the Toroidol field and Stargate of the Loving Heart as we deepen into Zero Point, as well as spinning the sub-atomic particles in increased light. Additionally it assists in protection against low-level electro-magnetic frequencies.

They essential act as:

Initiatory Gateway Activators

Toroidal Field Generators

Electro-Magnetic Field Enhancers

Light Body Activators

Zero Point Transmitters

Three-Fold Flame Ignitions

The Andara Concentric Rings Stargate Activator  Pendants further align with the Three-Fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom and come in three beautiful Andara Crystal colors.

Blue Andara – Power, Leadership, Freedom and Sovereignty Codes Expansion

Golden Andara – Higher Mind Wisdom, Pineal Gland Activator, Golden Heart Expansion

Pink Andara – Love, Compassion, Empathy Enhancer

There are different blues so Anrita will tune in and choose that which is most aligned to your frequency.

Each Andara Pendant you receive is lovingly chosen for you and has been activated through natural sunlight and essential oil blends as well as being programmed through the Overlighting of many of the Illumined Beings of Light from On High.

For more on the Tensor Rings, please click this link -

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