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Purple ESP Amplifier Andara Pendant


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Purple ESP Amplifier Andara Pendant


The Andara Crystals call us when we are ready. Each one holds a different multidimensional frequency and facet of Unity Consciousness. Some are Gatekeepers or Grid Keepers or Healing Beings, some assist in Galactic and/or Quantum Field Communication and yet others assist with Body Work, Chakra Clearing, Rebalancing or Healing and all amplify the qualities of New Earth from within.

The  Purple ESP Amplifier Andara Pendant holds an exquisite frequency, gentle and powerful, and assists us to move beyond the veils of illusion, activating the third eye and pineal, as well as crown chakra, pituatary and other glands, in addition to recalibrating the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Each Andara Crystal or Andara Pendant you receive is lovingly chosen for you and has been activated through natural sunlight and essential oil blends as well as being programmed through the Overlighting of many of the Illumined Beings of Light from On High.

You will receive one Purple ESP Amplifier Andara Pendant that will be chosen just for you plus a string and gift pouch.

We use both DHL and USPS for postage, depending on where you are situated.

Shipping is $44 global and you need to choose SHIPPING as an item and add to your cart. Shipping for South Africa is included. Please allow 3-5 weeks for delivery. Thank you -