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Compassion Power Light Teal Polished Stone (398g) plus Blue Purple Macrame Pendant


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Compassion Power Light Teal Polished Andara  (398g) plus Blue Purple Macrame Pendant plus Silver Sterling Plated Bead Bracelet

Receive this beautiful Compassion Power Light Teal Polished Andara, approx. 400gram, plus a beautiful Blue Purple Macrame Pendant for Communication and Higher Mind Perspectives.

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More on the Andara

Called ‘The Crystals of the Masters”, the Andaras are multidimensional elemental beings, assisting us as sacred flames of divinity to connect multidimensionally and expand our consciousness. They express atomically/monatomically in connecting us to our multidimensional Selves, Higher Selves and timelines of our Highest Potential, as well as synchronizing our work flow in both the dream state and awakening states for greater levels of joy, passion and purpose.

The Andara Crystals take us deeper into our loving hearts and streamline our work focus and spiritual goals. They assist us to communicate more deeply with others, as well as animals and nature and share with us different ways to expand our consciousness.

Many of us who have Andara Crystals take them out into the Sun regularly, hug them, sleep with them, caress them, chat to them and communicate deeply with them. They truly are living beings.

You will receive one Compassion Power Light Teal Polished Andara  (398g) plus Blue Purple Macrame Pendant plus Silver Sterling Plated Bead Bracelet. We use DHL and USP depending on your location. Shipping is $44 global and you need to choose SHIPPING as an item and add to your cart. Shipping for South Africa is included. Thank you -